Sunday, February 18, 2007

Wednesday night knitting reminder

This is just a reminder that there is a knitting night this Wednesday, February 21 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Waterworks Barnes & Noble in Pittsburgh. If you're new and/or have any questions, feel free to email me at jennylrae(at)juno(dot)com. My slowly-growing Lady Eleanor and I hope to see you there!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I know that it might be a novel concept here at OSSFM, but I actually have some progress shots!

Um, I know that it doesn't really look like I have made any or much progress on Lady E, but I promise you that I have. I originally cast on for one more rectangle than the pattern called for, thinking I would make up the width that way for using a finer weight yarn. After I'd finished two tiers, I looked at it and, not only was it wiiiide, there seemed to be no chance that I would actually be able to finish the thing in my lifetime. So, I ripped and cast on for the recommended number of rectangles. I'm three and a half (a little further than the photo shows) tiers in, and it's looking like it will be plenty wide, at somewhere around 20 inches, not accounting for any extra width from blocking.

Also, there's this:

Now I understand why so many people have made multiple pairs of these. So easy and so satisfying!

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Monday, February 05, 2007

Out of the pool.

Since I just couldn't prevent those Koigu socks from pooling, Stella took the yarn away from me and gave it a try:

She asked, "What was your problem with this yarn? It didn't pool for me." Stupid, know-it-all dog. She just tried a different pattern, and lo and behold, the pooling has ceased. Smartypants. I'm not sure if I like the quasi-striping, but we'll see how it goes. When I told her that I could take it from here and tried to take the sock from her, she slapped her giant paw right over it:

Geez, talk about being posessive.

While she was at it, she also started Lady E for me:

It doesn't look like much yet, but hopefully it will make for a pretty photo soon. As soon as Stella gets to work, that is.